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Winback: Covert Operations

PlayStation 2

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Published by Koei
Rated T

When compared with the n64 version the third person shooter has been completely overhauled visually, the game now uses real-time smoke, lighting and shading effects and more detailed environments and characters have also been added. In fact more than 4,500 polygons were used on the characters alone, and the controllable characters have 350 motion-captured moves. Also new sound effects, 28 unlockable characters for thew games four-player mode and smarter AI. Addition modes- deathmatch, one and two player, and additional stages for the versus modes, and improved game balance, camera functions and character animation. Total of 31 stages. Players will be able to use weapons such as handguns, shotguns, machine guns, and can acquire more powerful weapons like rocket launchers, silencer equipment from the enemy.

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