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Reader Rabbit Preschool


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Published by Graffiti NLA
Rated E

While soaring through the sky in their fabulous Dreamship, Reader Rabbit and Sam the Lion have suddenly had their ship wrapped up by something strange as they float above Balloon Town. A friendly turtle known as the Bubble Wrapper explains that the Dreamship is being brought to the Pointy Palace, where all objects with points or sharp edges are stored there to protect the balloons. Reader Rabbit and Sam the Lion head towards the Pointy Palace to reclaim their Dreamship, but first they must wake up the sleeping bull that blocks the Pointy Palace path. Join Reader Rabbit and Sam the Lion as they bounce around Balloon Town in search of musical instruments that they can use to wake up the bull. As you explore the sights and sounds of Balloon Town, help Reader Rabbit and Sam the Lion solve puzzles to collect these musical instruments.

Reader Rabbit Kindergarten has been designed to interest children and encourage learning of basic kindergarten skills such as mathematics, phonics, reading, and listening in multiple contexts. This Reader Rabbit series is comprised of grade-based and subject-based titles aimed at children from infancy through second grade. Reader Rabbit is the main protagonist and goes on various adventures usually involving educational mini-games

Explore the sights & sounds of Balloon Town Help Reader Rabbit & Sam the Lion solve puzzles Collect musical instruments

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