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Published by Majesco NLA
Rated E

Introducing a brand new way to play Mama on Wii! Babysitting Mama includes a plush baby doll that you tuck the Wii Remote into, turning the doll itself into your controller for the game. With Mama’s help you can take care of your baby and be the best Mama you can possibly be!

The third brand extension in the best selling Cooking Mama franchise: more than 6.5 million games sold! Starring Mama herself, making her babysitting debut! Innovative accessory and packaging changes play patterns: tuck your Wii Remote into baby, connect your Nunchuk and watch your huggable newborn come to life! Put the baby to bed in the cradle packaging when the game is not in use Play more than 40 activities with your doll and Nunchuk: rock the baby to sleep; feed the baby; burp, change, massage and dress the baby; play peeka- boo and hide and go seek; take baby’s picture and play games with baby; clean and wash the baby and many more games designed specifically for younger girls Each babysitting stage features a different setting and scenario Includes 6 different baby characters, each with his/her own personality and individual needs. Each baby also has a different level of difficulty Audio cues play through the Wii Remote inside the baby so it’s as if the baby doll is responding directly to the player Supports 2 player play to see who is the better Mama!

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