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The reasons behind the J.Lo/Ben prenup struggle

Posted Tuesday, September 16, 2003 at 8:27 AM Central

by Tim Briscoe

The prenuptial agreement. That infamous contract is ubiquitous to high profile marriages, especially in Hollywood. Despite contradictory reports, it's the apparent reason for the postponement (or cancellation) of Sunday's marriage between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. What most people don't know are the details of that prenup, specifically the clause that caused the break.

According to Hollywood insiders, the agreement had all the normal arrangements for couples with equally large bank accounts. In the event of divorce, Ben and Jen would each take what they brought to the union. Also, those assets earned together would be split equally.

Fair enough, right? Well, according to rumors, the part that has Ben peeved is a clause provided by J.Lo. Allegedly, if Ben were to be unfaithful in the marriage, Jennifer would get half of Ben's money -- including his assets before the wedding. There is no infidelity clause for Lopez, the source claims.

This provision itself isn't the reason for his attitude but Ben's knowledge that Jennifer has already had encounters with "her ex". Sources did not mention which of Jennifer's former loves has her going behind Ben's back, but Ben apparently has gotten wind of it -- and he's fuming.

Will this engagement continue down the road toward a Gigli-sized failure or will true love win out? I'm sure we'll hear all about it.