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Will Lucas finally get his 'Revenge'?

Posted Wednesday, October 8, 2003 at 3:09 PM Central

by John Couture

When it comes to the titles of Star Wars movies, they rival only Harry Potter book titles in terms of idle curiosity amongst fans. And while it seems like a new sure-thing title pops up every day, the latest one certainly caught our eye. According to various sources the next installment of George Lucas' epic will be Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith.

Apparently reports are circulating that this subtitle was emblazoned on a couple of Lucas' early drafts of Episode III. Furthermore, according to Register.com (a website devoted to registering web addresses), www.revengeofthesith.net is owned by Lucasfilm LTD.

While all of this "evidence" is quite convincing on its own, the astute Star Wars fan (read geek) will quickly point out that 'Revenge' is a favorite with Lucas. Back in 1983, he used it when he titled Episode VI Revenge Of The Jedi. Obviously, Lucas later settled on Return Of The Jedi, reasoning that Jedi wouldn't succumb to the emotion of revenge. However, he waited so long to make the change that there were a few theatrical posters sent out with the title Revenge Of The Jedi - worth a pretty penny today, by the way.

So, will Lucas resurrect 'Revenge' for the new trilogy or is this just another in a long line of near misses? Only time will tell...