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Smurfs movie to be 'animated Lord of the Rings'

Posted Monday, November 27, 2006 at 1:56 PM Central

by Tim Briscoe

Jordan Kerner, producer of the upcoming Charlotte's Web, told web site Moviehole about The Smurfs Movie he is producing. "It's a 3D/CG [computer-generated] Smurfs," he told them.

Kerner also stated there will be an entire trilogy of Smurfs movies. He said the films will be "the animated Lord of the Rings -- through the world of these idiots. Because they're sweet characters but they're goofs. It's a comic version, but still very heartfelt, version of Lord of the Rings -- though not literally Lord of the Rings, but an epic story like that."

The films will also explore the origin of the Smurf's chief antagonist, Gargamel. "We'll learn [more] about Gargamel and Smurf Soup and how all that began and what really goes on in that castle. What his back story really was. There's an all-powerful wizard... There's all sorts of things that get revealed as we go along," Kerner told the site.

No word on an anticipated release date for the project.

Source: Moviehole