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Face of The Joker for new Batman movie unveiled [UPDATE: secret message found]

Posted Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 10:36 AM Central

by Tim Briscoe

Warner Bros. is teasing us with new information on next year's Batman Begins sequel, The Dark Knight. They first launched the official site at thedarkknight.com. That eventually linked to a campaign site for Harvey Dent (the man who will become Two-Face) called ibelieveinharveydent.com. The site features a photo of Aaron Eckhart as Mr. Dent.

From there they gave us ibelieveinharveydenttoo.com, a defaced version of the previous site which slowly gave way -- pixel by pixel -- to the photo below of Heath Ledger as The Joker.

Oh, Warner, why must you tease us with information in this cruel, cruel manner? (In case you can't tell, we're loving every minute of it!)

UPDATE: The photo of The Joker has been removed from ibelieveinharveydenttoo.com. In its place is a series of ominous "ha ha ha" messages in various sizes. You can see it if you select all the text on the page by hitting control-A (or command-A on Mac) on your keyboard. (It's black text on a black background.)

Also, amongst all the "ha" text are random characters. If you extract these characters and combine the letters you get the coded message of "See you in December." Very spooky -- and a brilliant stroke of movie marketing.

I guess we'll have to wait until the end of the year for our next glimpse of The Joker.

The Dark Knight, starring Christian Bale and directed by Christopher Nolan, will be in theaters beginning July 18, 2008.