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Five seconds of hilarity

Posted Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 3:15 PM Central

by John Couture

Sometimes we're really slow to catch on to things. Tim and I would both like to think that we are on the bleeding edge of the entertainment and web spheres, but sadly things like this put us in our place.

Today, as I was going through my normal routine looking for something that might tickle your movie fancy as our readers, I stumbled across this on YouTube.

That's right, the entire 195 minutes of Titanic succinctly (and shockingly accurately) captured in a mere five seconds. And let's be honest here, we don't need 195 minutes to retell Titanic. In fact, I can do it in a mere couple of quick sentences.

Boy meets girl. Boy and girl go on boat trip. Boat is indestructible (foreshadowing). Boat hits iceberg. Boat sinks. A dead, blue Leonardo DiCaprio at the bottom of the ocean. The End.

Of course, the clip above even did me one better by scraping the whole boy and girl aspect. And if you didn't think that wasn't funny, then I challenge you to watch this without laughing.

That's right, I was able to track down the creator's website where he has no less than 142 of said movie mashup gems. I implore you to check out his work and if you can do it with a straight face then there's no hope for your funny bone.

And by the way, not only are they funny, but they are also educational. For instance, after watching all of the Back to the Future ones, I learned that Marty says "This is heavy" and Doc Brown says "Great Scott!" in parts one and two while they reverse the sayings in part 3.

Tell us what you think and let us know which on is your favorite.