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Oscar Watch: 'America Hustle' sells bad hair, cleavage in first trailer

Posted Thursday, October 10, 2013 at 4:00 PM Central

by John Couture

If you've been paying attention to the marketing campaign for American Hustle, you might think that their strategy is "come for the cleavage, stay for the Oscar-caliber performances. And to honest, the first full-length trailer does little to sway you of that thought.

Of course, the cleavage isn't just all about the ladies as the posters below and one very scary shot of Christian Bale in the trailer can attest. No, American Hustle doesn't play favorites and this mindset might make it difficult come Oscar time to decide just who gets the call in the various acting categories.

One thing is certain though, director David O. Russell is on quite the roll lately and I wouldn't be surprised at all to see him snag another directing Oscar nomination as well. Based somewhat on true events, the story revolves around a con man, his wife, his con woman partner, a wild FBI agent, the mafia and a crooked politician.

In other words, the film has Oscar written all over it.