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'Guardians of the Galaxy' gets the Honest Trailers treatment

Posted Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 3:55 PM Central

by John Couture

Hey, guess what? Guardians of the Galaxy debuts on DVD and Blu-ray today. That's sort of a big deal for 2014's highest grossing film (to date, although I don't think Mockingjay Part 1 has enough gas in the tank to overtake it).

How do we celebrate such an event?

You mean other than going out and getting that "immaculate Blu-ray"? Well, the folks over at Screen Junkies have a pretty good idea. They released their Honest Trailer for the film and let's face it, sometimes it is hard to poke fun at a film that you really enjoyed but the fine folks over at Screen Junkies gave it their best shot.

The result is, well see for yourself below.

Here are some extra shots of the artwork in case you need a primer when you're at your local movie store.