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Hollywood Loather Sean Penn Jumps On The Bandwagon

Posted Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 12:19 PM Central

by Heather Koehler

From knocking out photographers to renaming Tinseltown with four-letter words, Sean Penn has always made it clear he's not an industry disciple. But the dollar sign curves must be looking good as the actor signs to a recurring guest role on 'Friends.'

In the past, he's called out his friends for "selling out," accusing them of murdering their own voice and shitting on their profession. In the past, Sean appeared as himself on 'Ellen' and 'The Larry Sanders Show,' both a bit of the "independent" type and on the his accepted list of shows. 'Friends,' on the other hand, couldn't be anymore "blockbuster" if NBC tried.

Hey, he was married to Madonna at one time, so being married to Phoebe's (once porn-star) twin sister, Ursula, might take him back to the day.