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Principal Cast

Aspiring songwriter Harry King is sure he has written a hit -- if only he can get radio star Brenda Lascelle to sing it! He says goodbye to his girlfriend Mary Wood and his small town and heads for Manhattan to try to convince the diva to sing his tune. After weeks of trying, he cannot get an appointment to see Brenda, so in desperation, he crashes a party at her house. Brenda falls in love with Harry and he has adored her for years. A whirlwind romance ensues and Brenda is poised to debut his song on her radio show. Suddenly, his former girlfriend, Mary from back home, appears and claims that Harry has promised to marry her. Harry is forced to prove that Mary is lying or lose the woman he loves forever.

Alice Day was a former Mack Sennett Bathing Beauty best known for her appearance with Reginald Denny in Red Hot Speed (1929). Johnnie Walker was a busy silent era actor best remembered for Wine Of Youth (1924) Lightning Reporter (1926) and The Matinee Idol (1928).

Not Rated.

Released by Alpha Home Entertainment/Gotham. See more credits.