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Principal Cast

André Roosevelt, the cousin to President Theodore Roosevelt and authority on undersea life, visits his old friend Captain Benson in the Caribbean. Oblivious to the scantily-clad native women, André is more interested in the white girl swimming in a one-piece bathing suit nearby. My gosh! A blonde... and what a blonde! She is Rita de la Vega, the daughter of a missing fortune hunter. Together they set out to locate Rita's father with the help of a treasure map and some muscular black natives. After six days in the scorching sun, they discover the partially eaten remains of a man. The elder de la Vega fell victim to a cannibal tribe of voodoo-practicing Penitentes, and now theyve chosen André, Rita, and Benson to be their next human sacrifices...

Not Rated.

Released by Alpha Home Entertainment/Gotham. See more credits.