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Search for: Cowboy

Matches: 36

Review: 'Theodore Roosevelt' is the Presidential documentary we need right now
September 20, 2022
Review: 'American Carnage' shows off the horror of politics
August 30, 2022
Review: 'Never Grow Old' is the Western film that we need right now
May 14, 2019
'Roma' and 'The Favourite' are showered with 10 Oscar noms each
January 22, 2019
Who is Alden Ehrenreich? Han Solo, that's who
May 6, 2016
Best movies of 2016 that you don't know about yet: John's list
January 20, 2016
Love, war and the disintegration of family in 'The Force Awakens'
December 30, 2015
We salute our veterans with 20 top military movie quotes
November 11, 2014
Monday Morning Mixer: 'Game' Over?
November 4, 2013
Monday Morning Mixer: How utterly 'Despicable'
July 8, 2013
Monday Morning Mixer: '42' hits a home run
April 15, 2013
Johnny Depp goes native in new 'Lone Ranger' trailer
December 11, 2012
Monday Morning Mixer: The dead rise up to win dead box office
September 17, 2012
Quentin goes West, er South, in 'Django Unchained' trailer
June 6, 2012
Sniff! All the movies that make guys cry
May 17, 2012
Our 2012 top box office pick 'Rises' above all the rest
January 9, 2012
A look back at the first half of 2011 at the box office
July 8, 2011
New 'Cowboys & Aliens' trailer is out of this world
April 15, 2011
Red band trailer for 'Paul' is out of this world
March 4, 2011
Super Bowl movie commercials fail to impress
February 7, 2011
We're 'Deathly' serious about the top box office movies of 2011
January 14, 2011
Trailer Roundup: 'Cowboys & Aliens,' 'Cars 2' and 'Green Lantern'
November 17, 2010
Cowboys & Aliens & Pirates: A tale of two teaser posters
November 15, 2010
Original movies: they don't make them like they used to
May 28, 2009
Find Hitchcock! Where to spot all 37 of the director's signature cameos
August 26, 2008
EW names best 100 movies in last 25 years, we name the top 10 snubs
June 23, 2008
Prude is the new Black in Hollywood
May 6, 2008
Disney's next 10 animated movies includes 'Cars 2'
April 8, 2008
Will Indiana Jones die in 'Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'?
February 14, 2008
Jack Palance rides off into the sunset one last time
November 10, 2006
Oscar voters swell by 120
July 6, 2006
Man in black, 'Brokeback' big winners at Golden Globes
January 17, 2006
'Brokeback Mountain' leads Golden Globe nominations
December 13, 2005
AFI picks the 100 best movie quotes of all-time
June 22, 2005
Zellweger marries country singer Kenny Chesney
May 10, 2005
John Travolta's Big Demands Get Him The Big Bye-Bye
May 24, 2001